
Privacy Complaints Form

You may use this form to make a privacy complaint about National Care Centre, about a previous provider, or about one of your service providers or carers.

Your Authorised Representative's Details

If you have an authorised representative who will be representing you in your complaint, please provide their details. If you do not have an authorised representative, please leave this section blank.

Your Privacy Complaint

Please describe your privacy complaint in as much detail as possible. Please explain what happened, when it happened, what personal information was affected, the names of the people involved, and how and when you found out it occured.

Privacy Complaints Form

At National Care Centre, ensuring client safety is our top priority, and we will handle your information diligently. If you are unsatisfied with the resolution of your case, you have the option to lodge an aged care complaint through several different organisations.

Lodge a Privacy Complaints Form below:

Your Personal Information
We handle your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.
While we investigate your complaint, we may need to disclose the information you provide us to the entity you have complained about. We may also need to disclose your information to others who have information relevant to your complaint.
What will we do with your information?
We will use the information that you have provided us to review your complaint. We may need to disclose this information, including your personal details and a copy of your complaint, to the entities you have complained about. We may also need to pass this information on to the others, such as review bodies who are relevant to your complaint.
What information will we collect?
We will use the information you provide us in this form to investigate your complaint. We may need to collect additional information to help us with our investigation. We may collect this information from the entity your are making your complaint about, or from others who have additional information that will assist with our investigation.