Accommodation and tenancy assistance
Our support workers will ensure that you obtain appropriate accommodation. We can help you find a home that best suits you and assist you with bills management or area maintenance.
We can also help in assisting your rental tenancy application or undertaking tenancy obligations. We will provide supports to help you find affordable, safe, and appropriate accommodation.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
For people living with extreme functional impairment or with high support needs, we know the importance of getting you in a suitable home that meets your needs.
Our Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) has accessible features to help you live more independently and have better access support at your home.
Assistance with daily tasks – shared living (SIL)
Our support workers can help you get to your SDA home or in a shared living arrangement. We will assist you in personal care, personal hygiene, showering, dressing, toileting, mobility, appointment assistance, short-term accommodation, and more.
We will help you in daily tasks and attain your goal to live independently as possible.